unavailable time

英 [ˌʌnəˈveɪləbl taɪm] 美 [ˌʌnəˈveɪləbl taɪm]

网络  不可用时间



  1. By using the Class. forName() method within custom code, we were able to catch exceptions when a certain required class was unavailable to Rational Performance Tester at test run time.
  2. If any of these transactions performs poorly or is unavailable at any given time, that can affect both the users'experiences and reaching the business objective.
  3. This results in situations where participants in a data synchronization solution are unavailable at different points in time.
  4. It is designed to deal with the dynamic nature of OSGi, where services can become available and unavailable at any time.
  5. If any given server is unavailable or too busy at the time the request arrives, the cluster transparently passes the request to a server capable of handling the work.
  6. However, failing to return the connection immediately after completing the database interaction results in making the connection unavailable to other requests for significant periods of time.
  7. A service provided by a separate software component is unavailable for a certain time period, and the service implementation has to be taken over by manual interaction.
  8. All equipment has a maintenance schedule, which will make select items of equipment unavailable for some period of time while the equipment is maintained.
  9. Often this is the case because the input data that a particular estimation method requires may be unavailable or inaccurate at the time when an estimate is needed.
  10. Details were largely unavailable, but Apple will reportedly begin manufacturing a new type of iPhone model in August before increasing output in September right in time for the holidays.
  11. Your Address Book is unavailable at this time. Please try again later.
  12. Uploads and downloads will be unavailable at this time.
  13. Network statistics are unavailable at this time.
  14. This is partly a recognition of the realities of modern business, where it can be impossible for chief executives to be unavailable for long periods of time.
  15. It would be very helpful if the team leader could be informed in advance if any of the personnel listed will be unavailable at the suggested time.
  16. To further frustrate matters, during the past year the club president was unavailable months at a time due to critical work assignments;
  17. The directory server that you use is unavailable. The Online Meeting cannot start. It is recommended that you re-schedule another Online Meeting at a later time.
  18. Some witnesses were unavailable at the time of the trial.
  19. This menu item is unavailable at this time.
  20. Voice service is temporarily unavailable. Calls cannot be completed at this time. We are working to fix these issues and apologize for the inconvenience.
  21. Fiscal policy will be expansionary, not deflationary: we all live in the age of John Maynard Keynes, whose fiscal prescriptions were unavailable in 1929 and grew out of the mistaken doctrines and policies of that time.
  22. I believe the court is very aware that the state key witness is unavailable for testimony at this time.
  23. An adaptive controller is given in the case of unavailable time-delay.
  24. Many real-world optimization problems involve input data that are perturbed or uncertain, and the probability distributions of the uncertain data are unknown or unavailable due to measurement or modeling errors, or the unavailability of the information at the time of the decision.